Friday, July 24, 2015

So You're Teaching Summer School?

Are you missing your classroom and your kiddos one week after school is out? Then you might consider teaching Summer School! Did I convince you? Well if you do choose to teacher a few summer classes then here is some advice from me to you. 


Of course some planning is required, but the less stress you put yourself through the more you'll enjoy the short days and the fun environment Summer School can be. 

Now when it comes to planning, Pinterest and blogs are definitely the number one step. If you're like me, you might get frustrated with the "best-case-scenario" photos that Pinterest is filled with. Colorful monsters cut perfectly, picture frames ready to sell on Etsy and a parade of messy painting ideas that look effortless. As Art teachers we know that this is a charade. I'm here to give you some SIMPLE  project ideas with REAL examples created by kiddos from grades 2-6. Here we go....

Beaded Wind Chimes: Very simple to make! All you'll need is paper cups, string, beads, assorted charms, and a hole punch. This project took my students one and a half hours to make and get this....THEY WORK!!!

Charms and Other Beads: My kiddos FLIPPED over this project! We used Polymer Clay (available at any crafts store) and they made whatever they wanted. My personal favorite was the food related charm set. To bake them I took them home in labeled muffin pans. I had 40 kids and each made about 10 charms/beads. The whole cooking process took me 20 minutes tops! 

Shooting Stars: We did this craft for 4th of July, but a lot of kiddos opted to make rainbow or traditional shooting starts. The materials are popsicle sticks (mine were pre-colored), ribbon/yarn/string,  and glitter/gems (optional). To put together we used tape and a little hot-glue. Very simple!

Paper Hand Puppets: Alright this one does need a little extra help from Pinterest. Click here for the folding instructions. Once folded students cut scraps to make animals, monsters and a whole bunch of other creative puppets! 

Now these are just some of the kiddo's personal favorites, but there are lots more ideas out there. Just remember; Pinterest pictures don't always tell the whole story, keep the planning simple and of course let the fun fly!

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for stopping in!

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